Our experience

Alamo 1

Alamo 1

Alamo 1 Represented the first phase of a 400 MWac solar photovoltaic project that delivers clean and renewable energy to CPS Energy, the municipal utility for the city of San Antonio. This 39.2 MWac solar park is made up of 167,680 modules in 2,260 rows of single-axis and 1,932 dual-axis trackers. The commercial operation began in December 2013, serving approximately 9,150 homes. The Alamo 1 project is located south of San Antonio on 445 acres of privately owned land. AAA Construction provides maintenance service to the Alamo 1 project infrastructure. MWac:39.2
Alamo 2
Alamo 3
Alamo 4
Alamo 5
Alamo 6
Alamo 7

Office Address

310 Rio Grande St. Panam Building Suite 4 Eagle Pass, Tx. USA 78852
Phone: (830) 776-5210
Cel: (830) 319-2416
Email: office@aaaconstructor.com